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  2. レーザー周辺機器
  3. パルスレーザーダイオードドライバ

型番:LDP-3840B メーカー: 商品コード:L003008

Precision Benchtop 3 Amp Pulsed Current Source with Adjustable Amplitude and Pulse Width Range from 100ns to 10ms


メーカー希望小売価格: $5,405

Product Overview:
Tthe LDP-3840B is a highly flexible pulsed current source designed for laser diodes. User set current and voltage ranges as well as transient suppresion filters and fast shut-down capabilities are designed to protect your device under test. Full user control of pulse width, duty cycle and frequency make this benchtop current source a great choice for laboratory R&D applications. A device interface and mounting boards is supplied with each unit to allow users to impedance match to a 50 ohm load, as well as monitor current and voltage.

価格 地域 代理店

