1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. ナノ秒レーザー

型番: メーカー:OPOTEK, Inc. 商品コード:L002687

Nanosecond Laser, 210nm-410nm, 1mJ

波長: 210nm-410nm

Tunable Opotek laser with 1mJ output and compact design. Pump laser and OPO in all-in-one compact housing for easy integration into scientific experiments or OEM applications. Options for DPSS laser include a Fiber Delivery Kit, Motorized Variable Attenuator, and Wavemeter. The fiber kit includes a 2.5m 1mm diameter NA 0.22 fiber plus focusing/imaging optics/mounts and SMA on input. The variable attenuator allows the user to vary the OPO pulse energy from 0-100%. The wavelength meter provides real time monitoring, closed loop tuning, motorized harmonics, and harmonics auto-optimization. Nanosecond tunable laser over a wavelength range of 210 nm to 410 nm.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社日本レーザー
