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型番: メーカー:Focuslight Technologies Inc. 商品コード:L003777

Silicon Optics with Large Sag

コーティング: あり
種類: AR

< Silicon Optics with Large Sag >
・High refractive index (n=3.4), hard material resistance, low temperature sensitivity, and low density (2.329 g/cm³).
・Lens sag value as large as 4 mm (4000 µm) at exit angle of 0° ~ 80°, and maximizes the numerical aperture (NA).
・Deep-sag decentered lenses, blazed gratings, chirped arrays or integrated prisms.

< Key Specifications >
・Optics manufactured with silicon material, fully taking advantage of the intrinsic characteristics of silicon material, such as high refractive index (n=3.4), hard material resistance, low temperature sensitivity, and low density (2.329 g/cm3).
・By Focuslight’s unique wafer-level simultaneous structuring technology, the lens sag can achieve as large as 4mm (4000µm) at an exit angle of 0° ~ 80° on silicon optic, which maximizes the numerical aperture (NA) that a silicon optics could achieve.
・Enabling products that have been hard or impossible to be produced by classical lithographical technologies, such as deep-sag decentered lenses, blazed gratings, chirped arrays or integrated prisms.
・A precise and optimized design of a proper coating recipe for silicon optics and production process of optical coating can ensure good product performance and long-term operational reliability. AR coating available up to R<0.2% and bandwidth up to 1200 nm.
・Scalable and cost-effective production technology suitable for very high quantities, making the product affordable for IoT, biosensing, smart terminals, etc.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社ハナムラオプティクス
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
