1. TOP
  2. オプティクス関連
  3. 光学素子

型番:MOD000115/116/117/151/122/124/132/152/268/283/284/352/454/475/477/478/546/547/548/562/622/623/672/674/678/679/680/681/682/683/687/722/730/749 メーカー:Focuslight Technologies Inc. 商品コード:L003772

Beam Transformation Systems (BTS)

材質: MOD000674/MOD000681/MOD000682/MOD000722: FL-IR1.9 / S-TIH53 (Ohara)、MOD000749: Fused Silica (IR grade, low absorption)、Others: S-TIH53 (Ohara)
コーティング: あり
種類: AR

< Beam Transformation Systems (BTS) >
・The BTS transforms the asymmetrical far field distribution of a diode laser bar into a nearly symmetrical beam parameter product.
・Equipped with anti-reflective coating to lower the absorption for high-power applications
・Applications: Collimation of free beam lasers; efficient fiber coupling for high-power diode laser bars; BTS made of fused silica optimized for highest power densities

< Applications >
・Plastic Welding
・Solid-State Laser Pumping

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社ハナムラオプティクス
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
