1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:QPC Lasers 商品コード:L000607

808nm Laser Diode, 2.5 Watts

波長: 808nm-808nm
出力: 2500mW-2500mW
パッケージ: c-mount
テクノロジー: 808nm laser diode, high power single emitter

808nm Applications include industrial DPSS Laser pumping and laser diode based pico projector laser display. Key features of these devices include accurate 808nm ± 1nm and a narrow linewidth. These devices offer a stable wavelength versus temperature
ƒwith a wavelength locked from 10°C to 70°C and a high typical device efficiency of 45%.

価格 地域 代理店

