1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. フェムト秒レーザー

型番: メーカー:Clark-MXR, Inc 商品コード:L002765

Femtosecond Laser, 1025nm, 1nJ

波長: 1025nm-1025nm

Femtosecond laser from Clark MXR has high stability from Yb-doped fiber gain medium. A single-emitter diode pump provides the femtosecond laser long life. Easy to use compact all in one box design laser from Clark MXR. Longer sample relaxation time comes from 25MHz repetition rate. Laser provides extremely low noise output in either free-space or fiber coupled output. Common applications for the laser include TPEF, OCT, THz generation, Microscopy, Photopolymerization, and Amplifier seed oscillator. Femtosecond option includes Pulse width: <200fs with average power up to 25 mW and picosecond laser options includes pulse energy: >2 nJ per pulse, pulse width ~3ps and average power up to 50 mW. For higher energy outputs the an amplifier maybe used to achieve >10nJ pulse energy. Femtosecond laser operates from 1025nm to 1035nm at a pulse energy of 1nJ.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ AkiTech Leo株式会社
