1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. ピコ秒レーザー

型番: メーカー:Coherent 商品コード:L002648

Picosecond Laser, 1030nm, 30µJ

波長: 1030nm-1030nm

Picosecond laser in a compact and rugged design from Coherent. Average output power of 2.4 watts at a frequency of 80kHz. Ultra short pulse laser has a pulse duration of 1300fs to 2000fs at a pulse repetition rate of 80kHz. Laser Beam Quality Parameter M2<1.3 / TEM00 with a diameter of 1.3 mm. Laser is provides high stability in industrial applications with fast warmup time of 30 minutes, average power stability of +/-1.5% over 8 hours and day-to-day power stability of less then 2%. Pulse energy stabiilty as measured over 1000 pulses peak to peak is less then 5%. Picosecond laser with pulse energy output of 30µJ at a wavelength of 1030nm.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ コヒレント・ジャパン株式会社
