1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. ナノ秒レーザー

型番: メーカー:Montfort Laser GmbH 商品コード:L002485

Nd:YAG Laser, Nanosecond, 1064nm, 100mJ

波長: 1064nm-1064nm
テクノロジー: Nd:YAG Laser

Nd:YAG laser with nanosecond pulse output from Montfort GmbH. Applications for the nanosecond laser include Laser analytics, LIBS, laser‐induced break down spectroscopy, Non‐linear optics, Optical damage testing, Laser amplification, Defense, Particle Imaging Velocimetry, and LIDAR. Key features of the Nd:YAG laser include compact design with integrated electronics, good beam quality and high average powers. Pulse repetition rate from single shot to 80 Hz with pulse duration of 8ns. Maximum average laser output up to 2 watts. Nd:YAG Laser wavelength is 1064nm with high energy output up to 100mJ.

価格 地域 代理店

