1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. CW/QCWレーザー

型番: メーカー:Connet Laser Technology Co.,Ltd. 商品コード:L002422

1064nm CW Laser System, 20W

波長: 1064nm-1064nm
出力: 20W-20W
テクノロジー: Fiber Laser

Continuous wave fiber laser system from Connect Laser for applications in spectroscopy, scientific research, and test and measurement. Single mode PM fiber output with collimated output and other connectors available upon request. Adjustable output power from 10 to 100% of maximum output. Four models available with output from 1 watt to 20 watts and 50 watt available upon request. Benchtop chassis with front panel control and remote control. OEM systems available upon request. CW fiber laser wavelength is 1064nm.

価格 地域 代理店

