1. TOP
  2. レーザー周辺機器
  3. パルスレーザーダイオードドライバ

型番:SOA-std、SOA-HPP、SOA-Shape メーカー:AeroDIODE 商品コード:L003584

SOA pulsed driver with nanosecond speed : a new fiber modulator

メーカー希望小売価格: SOA-std ¥440,909 / SOA-HPP ¥684,589 / SOA-Shape ¥760,739 出力: 20mW-100mW
電流: 800mA-3500mA
電圧: 12V-24V

Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA amplifiers), when driven in pulse regime with our pulsed SOA drivers become a high dynamic range fiber modulation solution available from 750 to 1700 nm. It is a lossless, high extinction ratio and potentially highly polarizing device.

This SOA pulse driver delivers precision pulses which are generated internally by an on-board pulse generator, or on-demand from an external TTL signal. SOA Amplifiers (Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers) driven in nanosecond pulse regime can be compared with AOMs, EOMs or direct laser diode modulators. It is the only solution meeting all the constraints for a reliable, stable and efficient fiber modulation.

This SOA pulse driver is a very compact unit optimized for single-shot to CW performance with pulse width lengths down to 1 nanosecond.

< Key Features >
・High dynamic range : >48 dB, High extinction ratio : >~50 dB
・Lossless device
・Timing Jitter down to 8 ps,
・Repetition rate up to 250 MHz
・User design pulse shape (SOA-shape only)
・User-set pulse width from 1 ns to CW (up to 8 µsec for SOA-shape)
・TEC temperature control
・No wavelength variation along the pulse duration
・Adjustable safety limits, current levels (average/peak), SOA temperature, etc.
・USB & analogue control.

The GUI software lets the user have total control of all module functions. It includes several libraries for software integration (LabVIEW VIs, DLLs, Hexa, Python etc.).

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