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型番:Necsel Blue 445 Laser メーカー:Necsel Communication&Instrumentation Systems, Inc. 商品コード:L003180

Necsel Blue 445 5.5W Laser

波長: 440nm-449nm
出力: 5.5W-
電流: 2.1A-2.3A
電圧: 6.0V-9.6V

The Necsel Blue Laser contains direct emitting diodes and produces 5.5W of power. This laser has excellent power conversion efficiency and comes standard in a fiber-coupled package. For users who want to get started right away, combine this laser with the Necsel Blue Developer’s Kit.

5.5W of Power
30,000 hours of Lifetime*
Direct Emitting Diode
Easily Modulated
Low Energy Consumption
Optional Free Space Design
Optional Developer’s Kit

Digital Projection
Remote Source Lighting
Hazardous Lighting
Phosphor Illumination
Laser Light Shows

< Specifications Summary >
Operating Power (CW):Typical 5.5W
Module Operating Temperature [non-condensing atmosphere]:Typical 30℃
Center Wavelength [at 25°C and Pop]:Min. 440nm Typical 445nm Max.449nm
Wavelength Temperature Coefficient:Max. 0.1nm/℃
Threshold Current:Typical 350mA
Slope Efficiency:Typical 3.2W/A
Laser Power Conversion Efficiency:Typical 30%

< Driver Requirements >
Operating Voltage (2 in series):Min. 6.0V Typical 8.8V Max. 9.6V
Allowable Reverse Current.:Max. 85mA

< Fiber-Coupling Options >
Connector Type (Nose length 0.3850 – 0.3863 in., 9.779 – 9.812 mm):Typical SMA-905
Fiber Core Diameter (Centration ≤ 10 um):Typical 0.400 or 0.200mm
Numerical Aperture:Typical 0.22

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
