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型番:Green-5.0-DE-52x メーカー:Necsel Communication&Instrumentation Systems, Inc. 商品コード:L003173

Necsel Green Laser 525 5W Laser

波長: 520nm-530nm
出力: 5W-
電流: 1.5A-1.8A
電圧: 32V-48V

The Necsel Green Laser contains direct emitting diodes and produces 5W of power. This laser has a fast turn on time, excellent stability, and operates at a wide temperature range. For users who want to get started right away, combine this laser with the Necsel Green Developer’s Kit.

5W of Power
400um Fiber Coupled
20,000 hours of Lifetime
Optional Developer’s Kit

Digital Projection

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
