1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 635 nm - 699 nm

型番: メーカー:Princeton Optronics, Inc. (ams AG) 商品コード:L000311

650nm, 1mW VCSEL

波長: 650nm-650nm
出力: 1mW-1mW
パッケージ: collimated module
テクノロジー: VCSEL

650nm Laser Diode from Princeton Optronics is offered in a collimated TO-can module. This device specification details a wavelength range of 645nm to 655nm. Optical output power is 1mW and compliance voltage is from 1.9V to 2.5V. Drive current is specified at 0.5mA up to 4mA.

Princeton Optronics, Inc.
1 Electronics Drive
Mercerville, New Jersey 08619
Voice: (609) 584-9696
e-mail: sales@princetonoptronics.com

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ ams AG ジャパンオフィス
