1. TOP
  2. 計測器関連
  3. メーター/モニター

型番: メーカー:OPHIR 商品コード:L003063

Optical Power Meter Handheld

パルスの最大繰返し: < 100Hz - 1000Hz
単位: Watts,Joules,dBm
テクノロジー: Thermopile,Integrated Meter / Monitor,Integrating Sphere,Si Photodiode,InGaAs Photodiode,Ge Photodiode,Pyroelectric

Optical Power Meter and Energy Meter from Ophir. Low cost handheld optical power meter that can measure watts and energy. Compatible with all standard Ophir optical power and energy sensors. Analog out and USB remote interface is standard on economical optical power meter. Large display and soft keys makes the meter easy to setup and use.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ オフィールジャパン株式会社
