1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:Coherent 商品コード:L000857

2000mW, 808nm laser

波長: 808nm-808nm
出力: 2000mW-2000mW
パッケージ: HHL
テクノロジー: high power single emitter

808nm Coherent Laser 790-830nm Single Emitter Devices; DPSS Laser Pumps, Features include Unique AAA™ technology for highest reliability and lifetime, low divergence and lensing options available and high temperature operation capability. The HHL (high heat load) package is environmentally sealed and includes photodiode, thermistor and TEC.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ コヒレント・ジャパン株式会社
