1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. CW/QCWレーザー

型番: メーカー:DPSS Laser, Inc 商品コード:L002631

355nm CW Laser, 200mW

波長: 355nm-355nm
出力: 200mW-200mW

Continuous wave UV laser from DPSS Laser, Inc. Key features of the industrial laser include M2 less then 1.3, low cost, ultra low noise with RMS less then 1% and stability better then 5% over 8 hours. The CW laser was desinged for applications in Flow Cytometry, Confocal Microscopy,Bio-fluorescence, Biological Threat Detection, Photo Bleaching and Semiconductor Inspection. Designed for laboratory experiments with high performance and long term stability and industrial OEM applications with RS-232 remote interface. Patented intra-cavity conversion technology and field-proven design makes this continuous wave laser a rugged long term solution. CW Laser with output wavelength at 355nm and output power up to 200mW.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社日本レーザー
