1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. CW/QCWレーザー

型番: メーカー:Keopsys 商品コード:L002559

1075nm Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 20W

波長: 1075nm-1075nm
出力: 20W-20W
テクノロジー: Fiber Laser

Overview from the attached KEOPSYS data sheet:
CYFL-TERA series are Ytterbium fiber doped lasers providing an output power up to 20 W. The Keopsys
optical architecture permits to deliver a linewidth of few nanometers. The lasers are available in random or linear polarization and deliver a perfect diffraction limited beam. The output power can also be modulated with an external TTL signal up to 10kHz. With a wall plug efficiency over 20 %, these lasers are amongst the most efficient ones. The entirely fiber Keopsys design offers robustness,
reliability and no maintenance for these lasers coming in a friendly turn key benchtop.

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