1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 1400 nm - 15000 nm

型番: メーカー:Princeton Lightwave, Inc. (ARGO AI, LLC.) 商品コード:L002393

1850nm, 10W Laser Diode Array

波長: 1850nm-1850nm
出力: 10W-10W
パッケージ: CS mount
テクノロジー: high powered laser array

1850nm High Power Laser Arrays from Princeton Lightwave offer a series of high power laser diode arrays for long wavelength (1400nm to 1850nm). Features referenced on the attached data sheet include High Power 1 cm arrays
25 Watts at 1450 nm, and 10W laser at 1850 nm. These lasers feature a proprietary MQW laser structure that
yields exceptional high power and reliability. Applications include solid state laser and fiber laser pumping. Arrays are mounted on a copper block heat sink that can be easily cooled to achieve specified output powers.

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