1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:Quantel (LD) 商品コード:L001266

40Watt Semiconductor Laser, 980nm

波長: 980nm-980nm
出力: 40W-40W
パッケージ: fiber coupled module
テクノロジー: high power laser array, semiconductor laser

980nm Compact Fiber coupled CW Diode Bars from Quantel Lasers: The data sheet for these devices details optical power, up to 40W CW, is delivered through a single multimode fiber terminated by a SMA connector. Small fiber diameter and low numerical aperture lead to high brightness and high optical power density. The low profile package is proposed with red pilot beam or PIN photodiode as options. The low thermal resistance of the assembly allows efficient heat transfer and thermal regulation. These Quantel products are ideal for applications which request high brightness sources for efficient pumping solid state lasers, medical applications, material processing, micromachining, and other high power applications.

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