1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番:HI155G1S04X、HI155G1S07X メーカー:LASER COMPONENTS GmbH 商品コード:L003705

High Intensity Pulsed Laser Diodes with Fast Axis Collimators【HI-FAC-Series】

波長: 1520nm-1580nm
出力: 10W-16W
電流: 30A-46A
パッケージ: Hermetic package

< Description >
Rangefinder systems that are built with 1550 nm pulsed laser diodes (PLDs) also operate at high power levels yet still in the eye-safe range – due to their wavelength. Common night-vision goggles cannot detect this wavelength, which makes these PLDs particularly well suited for military laser rangefinders or friend/foe identification.
The base material of the 1550 series is InP with additional InGaAsP layers. The InGaAsP structure ensures high reliability, very good beam characteristics, and a high temperature stability. The wide operating temperature range is between –45°C and +85°C. The 1550 nm pulsed laser diodes are housed in a TO-18 can. They are also available in 9 mm packages or in customer-specific designs.

< Features >
▪ Fast axis collimation 15/10/5 mrad options
▪ Up to 16 W peak power
▪ Hermetic package
▪ Extremely robust
▪ High reliability

< Applications >
▪ Eye safe range finding
▪ Surveying equipment
▪ “Friend or Foe” identification
▪ Laser radar
▪ Security barrier

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社アルクゥズ
要問い合わせ 光貿易株式会社
要問い合わせ 株式会社アイ・アールエム・システム(IR Components のみ)
要問い合わせ 株式会社オプトサイエンス
