1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番:QS905D1S3JT03U、QS905D1S3JT06U、QS905D1S3JT09U メーカー:LASER COMPONENTS GmbH 商品コード:L003688

QuickSwitch® Pulsed Laser Diode【QS-905 Series】

波長: 895nm-915nm
出力: 67W-93W
電流: 1mA-10mA
パッケージ: Hermetic TO-56 package (5 pins)

< Description >
These unique 905 nm pulsed laser diodes generate the shortest pulse duration worldwide for devices of this type. Developed and manufactured by Laser Components Canada, the QuickSwitch® PLDs are made for fast and reliable laser-based distance measurement applications (LiDAR) and scanners for security and aerospace use.

PLD, high current switch and charge storage capacitor are enclosed in a compact TO56 housing. The high current loop is fully integrated into the housing, which is also equipped with an additional ground pin independent from both the signal and supply returns. This results in a Faraday cage effectively protecting the QuickSwitch® and its surroundings from electromagnetic interference.
Depending on the PLD chip, the QuickSwitch® reaches peak powers of up to 93W at 2.5 ns. We will gladly supply a suitable evaluation board for fast commissioning when requested.

< Features >
▪ Hermetic TO-56 package (5 pins)
▪ 905 nm triple junction laser diode for optical output power to 90 W
▪ Typical pulse width of 2.5 ns
▪ Low voltage charge storage: 20 V to 80 V DC
▪ Pulse frequency to 200 KHz
▪ Evaluation board available

< Applications >
▪ High resolution Range Finding for consumers
▪ Laser scanning / LIDAR
▪ Drones
▪ Automotive
▪ Robotics
▪ Military
▪ Industrial

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社アルクゥズ
要問い合わせ 光貿易株式会社
要問い合わせ 株式会社アイ・アールエム・システム(IR Components のみ)
要問い合わせ 株式会社オプトサイエンス
