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型番:TDLAS、TDLAS-4、TDLAS-8 メーカー:AeroDIODE 商品コード:L003583

TDLAS : Laser diode driver for gas sensing

メーカー希望小売価格: TDLAS ¥532,289 / TDLAS-4 ¥3,045,239 / TDLAS-8 ¥5,025,139 電流: -1500mA

TDLAS is a very modular laser diode driver which has been developed for demanding low noise applications like gas sensing. It contains a lot of functionalities such as internal and external modulation as well as many libraries for system integration.

TDLAS has a very low current noise level with low setpoint drift and noise close to measurement instrument ground level ; It is an ideal driver for butterfly laser diodes such as NTT, Eagleyard, Nanoplus, Eblana etc. TDLAS has a small form factor and is also available at board level. This makes it compatible with most of the OEM integration constraints. A multi-channel version is also available.

< TDLAS Key features >
・Very low current noise with low set-point drift and noise close to noise measurement instrument ground level.
・Ideal for laser diodes such as NTT, Eagleyard, Nanoplus, Eblana etc.
・External current modulation with adjustable modulation transfer function (0 to 20 mA/V)
・Sinus, triangular or square wave internal modulation
・High resolution current level adjustments
・1 mK precision integrated TEC temperature controller
・USB Interface with GUI & programming tools, software suite, DLL & labVIEW Libraries
・Contains many functionalities for gas sensing techniques such as TDLAS, CAES, ICOS, CEAS, PS-CRDS, NICE-OHMS etc.
・Safe start-up and operations, with safe shut-offs

The GUI software of this TDLAS laser diode driver lets the user have total control of all module functions. It includes several libraries for software integration (LabVIEW VIs, DLLs, Hexa etc.).

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