1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:Innovative Photonics Solution 商品コード:L000341

785nm, Narrow Linewidth Laser Diode

波長: 785nm-785nm
出力: 375mW-375mW
スペクトル幅: < 500kHz
テクノロジー: Narrow Linewidth Laser

785nm Innovative Photonics High Power Multi-Mode Spectrum Stabilized Laser Subsystem: Proprietary Spectrum Stabilized Laser features high output power with narrow spectral bandwidth. The laser’s stabilized peak wavelength remains “locked” regardless of case temperature (-10 to +55 deg. C). Devices can be spectrally tailored to suit application needs and offer side mode suppression ratios (SMSRs) better than 40 dB, thereby providing extremely high signal to noise ratio and making these sources ideal for Raman spectroscopy and pump laser applications. The laser is integrated with high performance laser drive and temperature control electronics in a compact package weighing less than 4 oz.

- Up to 400 mW Fiber Coupled Output Power
- Ultra-narrow Spectral Linewidth (1 cm-1)
- Temperature Stabilized Spectrum (< 0.007 nm/0C)
- Low Power consumption (< 5.5 W)
- 40 dB SMSR Typical
- 3” x 2.5” x 0.69” Package Weighing < 4 oz

価格 地域 代理店

