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  2. LD/LED

型番:NovaLum-RGB-1200  メーカー:Necsel Communication&Instrumentation Systems, Inc. 商品コード:L003191

Red:Necsel Multi-Color NovaLum 1200 RGB Laser

波長: 638nm-
出力: 2500mW-
電流: 800mA-
電圧: 9.5V-13.0V
形状: 円

The Necsel RGB NovaLum 1200 offers 1200 lumen brightness levels at D65 and combines red, green, and blue lasers into a 400 μm fiber-coupling. Each laser can be individually modulated and mixed to generate white light or any color in the full color spectrum. Combined with the Necsel Intelligent Controller, this laser gives temperature feedback, modulates at high speed and is easily integrated into any OEM system.

1200 Lumens at D65
Couples into Small Fibers
Independently Modulated Colors
High Speed Modulation
Compact Size
Temperature Feedback
Long Lifetimes

Remote Source Lighting
OEM Systems
Laser Light Shows

< Laser Parameter >
Operating Power RGB (D65 White Balanced): Typical 5190mW
Module Operating Temperature [noncondensing atmosphere]:Typical 25℃

< Red >
Center Wavelength:Typical 638nm
Operating Power:Min. 2500mW
Current:Typical 800mA
Voltage: Min. 9.5V Typical 12.0V Max. 13.0V

< Green >
Center Wavelength:Typical 525nm
Operating Power:Min. 1500mW
Current:Typical 1700mA
Voltage: Min. 7.0V Typical 9.4V Max. 10.4V

< Blue >
Center Wavelength:Typical 465nm
Operating Power:Min. 1200mW
Current:Typical 1500mA
Voltage: Min. 3.5V Typical 4.2V Max. 4.8V

< Fiber Specifications >
Fiber Core Diameter (Centration ≤ 10 um):0.400 mm
Connector Type (Nose length 0.3850 - 0.3863 in., 9.779 9.812 mm):SMA-905
Numerical Aperture:0.22

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
