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型番:Green-VHP-52x  メーカー:Necsel Communication&Instrumentation Systems, Inc. 商品コード:L003175

Necsel NovaLum VHP Green 525 Laser

波長: 520nm-528nm
出力: -9W
電流: 1.7A-1.8A
電圧: 54V-72V

The NovaLum VHP Green Laser Module produces up to an impressive 9W of power with standard lifetimes of 20,000 hours in a compact easy to integrate fiber coupled module. A 400μm core fiber delivery is standard.

9W of Power
20,000 hours of Lifetime
400um Fiber Coupled
Optional Developer’s Kit

Digital Projection

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 京都府 株式会社光響
