1. TOP
  2. 計測器関連
  3. ビームプロファイラ

型番:WCD-UHR メーカー: 商品コード:L003079

1.3 Mpixel‚ 1280 x 1024 pixels, 6.6 x 5.3 mm active area


パルスの最大繰返し: < 100Hz - 1000Hz
単位: Watts,Joules,dBm
テクノロジー: Thermopile,Integrated Meter / Monitor,Integrating Sphere,Si Photodiode,InGaAs Photodiode,Ge Photodiode,Pyroelectric

Product Overview:
CMOS laser beam profilier from DataRay covering the wavelength range of 355 nm to 1650 nm with 1.3MPixel camera. High performance software for detailed analysis of CW lasers.

価格 地域 代理店

