1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. フェムト秒レーザー

型番:CPA-2101、CPA-2110、CPA-2161、CPA-2210 メーカー:Clark-MXR, Inc 商品コード:L002763

Fiber-seeded Ultrashort Pulse Ti:Sapphire Regenera;ve Amplifier【CPA-Series】

波長: 775nm-
パルスの最大繰返し: 1000Hz - 10000Hz
エネルギー: 0.6mJ-2mJ
パルス幅: <150 fs
ビーム径: <100 microradians
エネルギー安定性: <1% RMS

Our CPA-Series ultrafast lasers are the only fully-integrated kHz Ti:Sapphire femtosecond and picosecond laser systems on the market today. The turn key nature of this extremely compact laser accentuates its productivity and utility. With a truly No Tweak™ design, our lasers will run for days without the need to periodically readjust it to optimize performance.


Drift-free, NO TWEAK™ performance
Smallest footprint in the industry
Fully-integrated plug-and-play design
Built-in computer control with embedded .Net DLL files accessible from LabView, MatLab (R2009a & later), C#, VisualBasic
Apple iPod Touch with iLase CPA client app for remote operation and monitoring
Built-in electronic shutter for “pulse-on-demand” delivery of single or multiple pulses up to 64,000
Over 10,000 hours of proven utility in micromachining applications

Nonlinear spectroscopy

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ AkiTech Leo株式会社
