1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. CW/QCWレーザー

型番: メーカー:Pantec Biosolutions AG 商品コード:L002591

CW Laser, 2020nm, 25W

波長: 2020nm-2020nm
出力: 25W-25W

High power Mid-IR laser form Pantec Medical Laser. Laser can operated either in CW mode or Quasi-CW mode. In quasi-CW the output pulse repetition rate is up to 500 Hz with a pulse duration 60μs to 350μs. Maximum pulse energy of the laser is 225mJ. Highly efficient diode pumping doesn't require high voltage and has minimal waste heat. Laser is designed to be maintenance free for use in demanding OEM applications. Laser can be fiber coupled into 150µm fiber. CW laser can output up to 25 watts of power at a wavelength of 2020nm.

価格 地域 代理店

