1. TOP
  2. レーザー発振器
  3. ナノ秒レーザー

型番:527-100-M、527-80-M、527-60-M、527-40-M メーカー:Amplitude Laser Inc. 商品コード:L002471

Diode Pumped Nd:YLF Laser:Terra PIV

波長: 527nm-
出力: 40W-100W
エネルギー: 30mJ-60mJ
テクノロジー: Nd:YLF Laser
ビーム径: 3.0 mm
拡がり角: 8 mrad
エネルギー安定性: < 0.5 % RMS
冷却方法: Air-water; water-water cooling option available

Terra PIV is a dual oscillator/single head, high repetition rate, diodepumped Nd:YLF laser. The Terra PIV offers the ultimate in flexibility for PIV and other dual output applications.

The combination of two independent oscillators allows complete control of pulse separation and pulse energy. Both oscillators in the Terra PIV system are identical in optical design giving temporally and spatially matched pulses for the highest degree of cross-correlation. Each oscillator can be independently triggered via TTL inputs. As an option, a compact, external combination box can be directly attached to the laser to provide for an easy and safe access to the beam combination optics.

The Terra PIV uses our proprietary intracavity frequency doubling to achieve high energy 527 nm outputs without resorting to the tight focusing (which can result in optical damage) necessary for extra-cavity doubling. Our proprietary pump chamber design increases the overall efficiency allowing for high pulse energy, excellent beam quality and long component lifetimes from a compact and robust diode-pumped package.

< Key Features >
・60 mJ total energy at 1 kHz
・Average power >100 W @ 3 kHz
・Ideal for Particle Image Velocimetry
・Independent external trigger for each oscillator
・External and internal triggering
・Built-in optics for beam combination
・Record 3 min. diode module replacement
・Proprietary optical cavity design for optimal laser performance
・Flexible time delay and energy adjustment

< Applications >
Stent/Glass/PCB/Fine Metal Cutting
LCD/Solar Edge Deletion
Wafer Trimming
Micro-hole Drilling
Ceramics Scribing
Fine Wire Stripping
Diamond/Gemstone Processing

Ti:Sapphire pumping
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
Combustion Analysis
Laser Induced Fluorescence
Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
Chemical Analysis of Macromolecules
Laser Microprobe Analysis

< Specifications > [All specifications at 1kHz unless otherwise noted.]
Energy per Oscillator at 0.1-1 kHz (mJ):
527-100-M 30
527-80-M 25
527-60-M 20
527-40-M 15

Total Pulse Energy at 0.1-1 kHz (mJ):
527-100-M 60
527-80-M 50
527-60-M 40
527-40-M 30

Average Power @ 3 kHz (W):
527-100-M 100
527-80-M 80
527-60-M 60
527-40-M 40

Pulsewidth (ns)
527-100-M < 210
527-80-M < 230
527-60-M < 250
527-40-M < 270

Pulse Repetition Rate (kHz) 0.1-10  [Single shot to 0.1 kHz available with external trigger]
Pulse-to-Pulse Stability (% RMS) < 0.5
Beam Pointing Stability (μrad) < 25
Beam Diameter at Output (mm) 3.0 [Typical measurement (±10%)、Measured at 13.5% level at output window]
Beam Quality (M²) < 25
Beam Divergence (mrad) 8 [Measured at 13.5% level at output window]
Time Jitter (ns RMS) < 3
Polarization Circular [Cross-polarization available as option]

価格 地域 代理店

