1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 1400 nm - 15000 nm

型番: メーカー:VERTILAS GmbH 商品コード:L002390

1340nm-2050nm, 2mW

波長: 1340nm-2050nm
出力: 2mW-2mW
パッケージ: TO-can, TOSA
テクノロジー: VCSEL

1340nm-2050nm VCSEL lasers from VERTILAS offer the following descriptions details in the attached data sheet. Long wavelength VCSEL technology offers a wide range of products for various applications applying spectroscopy and gas detection methodologies. Applications include tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy TDLS, near-IR gas analysis, safety and environmental measurements. Also referenced are agriculture and food storage as well as industrial and production control, and test and measurement applications. Consumer and automotive app's are also included. The product line offers several packaging options, ranging from open packages for prototyping to a hermetically sealed packaged with cap and anti reflective coated window. It also includes pigtail solutions and further customer specific options are avilable on request. The high performance VERTILAS technology and products enable customers to design and manufacture spectroscopy solutions that offer high sensitivity, low power dissipation, small system size and cost effective manufacturing.

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