1. TOP
  2. LD/LED

型番: メーカー:LDX Optronics 商品コード:L000204

Laser Diode | 300mW | 635nm

波長: 635nm-635nm
出力: 300mW-300mW
パッケージ: HHL-c-mount
テクノロジー: n/a

635nm The LDX-2315-635 laser diode is a high power, multimode, visible red laser diode. These AlGaInP broad-area, gain-guided lasers are produced using MOCVD growth which offers high efficiency, low threshold current, and excellent reliability. The low wavelength of these devices is over five times more visible to the eye than standard 670 nm laser diodes. Because these devices are more sensitive to operating temperature than longer wavelength devices, it is essential that the lasers be operated with adequate cooling. An operating temperature of 15 °C is recommended; the efficiency and lifetime of the devices will be improved with even lower operating temperatures. These devices are available in a High-Heat-Load package which has an integral thermoelectric cooler and thermistor. They are also available on an open heatsink package, as well as other package options; please inquire.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 有限会社イーオーアール
要問い合わせ 株式会社オプトロンサイエンス
要問い合わせ 東京都 株式会社エムスクェア
要問い合わせ 有限会社サンプラス
