1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:OSRAM GmbH 商品コード:L001590

High Powered 905nm, 90W array

波長: 905nm-905nm
出力: 90W-90W
パッケージ: array
テクノロジー: high power laser array

905nm Features of this Osram laser incldude: 12 individually addressable pulsed lasers, monolithic laser die with 260 μm channel pitch, aperture of each laser channel 200 μm × 10 μm, nanostack laser technology including multiple epitaxially stacked emitters. Also, optical peak power up to 75 W per laser at laser wavelength 905 nm. AR-coated glass window with integrated heater for wavelength stabilization and operating temperature range -40 to +105°C.

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ オスラム ジャパン株式会社
