1. TOP
  2. LD/LED
  3. 700 nm - 1399 nm

型番: メーカー:DILAS / COHERENT (DILAS High-Power Products) 商品コード:L001415

915nm, 980nm Laser Array

波長: 915nm-980nm
出力: 300W-300W
パッケージ: fast axis collimated stack
テクノロジー: QCW vertical laser stack, semiconductor laser

915nm, 980nm The device brochure for this DILAS laser 915 nm and 980 nm laser refers to the following attributes: Conduction-Cooled, QCW, Fast-Axis Collimated, Vertical Diode Laser Stack. Features include fast axis collimation (

価格 地域 代理店
要問い合わせ 株式会社ルクスレイ
